Tuesday, 10 December 2013


How to become an ethical hacker- Part 2

Hi friends.. On my last post How to become an ethical hacker - Intro We discussed about  the basic steps/qualities which a hacker must have .. Then in this post i am going to start the basic tutorials

Getting started

Now let's get started. What does every hacker need to have ???

  • A good hacker-name
  • A good OS
  • A good "virtual Age"

1.A good Hacker-name / Alias

As every Hacker has an alias you will definitely  need one and preferably a cool looking one :-) .
Let's start by looking at my name: NamoNivi. its the name of my imaginary friend.

To create your own hacker name you gonna have to use a bit of common sense. Be original !!! Don't copy the names of other hackers. Use a combination of upper and lower case and also numbers. 

Tip - google your name first and then decide if you still want to keep it 

2.A good Operating system (OS)

If you think that you are only able to hack on linux based operating systems then you couldn't be more wrong! With the right tools and skill, a windows desktop can be as dangerous as a Linux desktop.

An expert on windows can perform almost the same tricks and hacks as an Linux user. 

Tip - If you'r running on windows and you know how everything works and know about virtual machines stay on windows.

Operating systems
Windows based:
> Windows 7 +
> Windows 8 +
> Windows vista 
> Windows XP +
Mac based:
> Mac OS X (I have NO experience with apple whatsoever) ?
Linux based:
> Ubuntu +
> Backtrack+
> Kali Linux +
> Opensuse -
> Debian -
> Bugtraq +
Choose you'r OS yourself Don't let other people decides what's the best OS for you!

3. A good "virtual age"

If you want to become a "good" hacker then you need to act as one !!!  some things like proper use of grammer and emoticons are important.
Why? ?
Well that's really easy. we are not 10 years old anymore and you shouldn't see hacking as a joke. Its more some kind of art form. In order to learn something here you'll need to be quiet.

On my next post I will start of slowly doing some easy hacks. Then after some time has passed i will start doing more advanced hacking tutorials. If you have any droughts in this post feel free to ask in the comment

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  1. i am keep telling you, stop advising and post some real tuts.

    1. Yes this is not advice this is first part to become hacker In my next post i will post some easy hacks
